

Shaffer, D. W. (2017). Madison, WI: Cathcart Press.

Thick description; D/discourse and C/codes; Coding, Segmentation; Theoretical saturation; Rho; IRR; ENA

Published by Springer, Cham.
OSF meetings page for ICQE '21 (talks, posters, papers)

ICQE '19; ICQE '20; ICQE '21; ICQE '22 coming soon!

Kaliisa, R., Misiejuk, K., Irgens, G.A., & Misfeldt, M. (2021) In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1312., pp 3-17. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. 

Theoretical foundations, tools and techniques of QE; Sources/types of data; Coding approaches

Zörgő, S., Peters, GJY., Porter, C., Moraes, M., Donegan, S., & Eagan, B. (2022) In: Advances in Quantitative Ethnography. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Vol 1522., pp 144-159. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature. 

Research design; Coding strategies; Segmentation choices; Employed analyses


Learning as a process of enculturation; Unification of the quantitative and qualitative; Introduction to ENA

Visualizations as communication tools; An HCI perspective on QE; Participatory forms of sense-making

QE Group @ Pepperdine University

Overview of QE; Case examples; Coding; Segmentation; Model parameterization

QE Group @ Pepperdine University
Guests: Brendan Eagan and Szilvia Zörgő

Two QE talks given at Pepperdine University

Video tutorials

QE group @ Pepperdine University

Quantitative vs qualitative methods; Utility of ENA

QE group @ Pepperdine University

Units, conversations, stanza windows, codes; Statistical analyses

Epistemic Analytics Lab @  University of Wisconsin-Madison

Accessing web tool; Creating a project

Using tutorial mode in ENA.

Epistemic Analytics Lab @  University of Wisconsin-Madison

Model parameterization; Comparing units

Epistemic Analytics Lab @  University of Wisconsin-Madison

Model parameterization; Comparing units

Epistemic Analytics Lab @  University of Wisconsin-Madison

Parametric and non-parametric tests; Goodness of fit

Epistemic Analytics Lab @  University of Wisconsin-Madison

Data view of connections; Specifying variables

Epistemic Analytics Lab @  University of Wisconsin-Madison

Sample groups of units; Mean networks


Clare Porter @ The QE Podcast by the Learning Analytics program in the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Iterative processes of QE research; Challenges in getting started

Yotam Hod @ The QE Podcast by the Learning Analytics program in the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Inter- and multi-disciplinary work; An ethnographic perspective on the use of QE

Ryan Baker @ The QE Podcast by the Learning Analytics program in the Department of Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison

ENA vs. QE relationship; The power and potential of ENA


International Society for Quantitative Ethnography

Detectives with different detectives discussing a case on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

International Society for Quantitative Ethnography

Press conferences on COVID held by the Prime Minister of New Zealand and the US President 

Other resources

All videos from the QE Society

Citation manager library

Short videos from Sandbox sessions

Society website

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